HP TET Exam Pattern 2017
HP TET Exam Pattern 2017: Himachal Board of School Education will announce the exam pattern for the Teacher Eligibility Test of Himachal Pradesh 2017. All the candidates who are interested and will fill the application form should be throughly aware of the HP TET Exam Pattern 2017. The exam pattern will allow the candidates to throughly prepare and brace themselves for what they have to encounter in future. All the candidates will be able to know in detail, the number of questions, topics of the exam, total time duration of the exam, subjects of the exam, pattern of the question paper, total marks and standard of the exam with the help of HP TET Exam Pattern 2017. The candidates will also be able to decide which topics will need more attentions and preparation in comparison with other topics. considering the difficulty, preparation level and the weightage of marks for a particular topic. Check the detailed HP TET Exam Pattern 2017 as explained below.
Details of HP TET Exam Pattern 2017
There will be one question paper for HP TET Exam 2017 with four different series for each paper. The Papers will be different for each post. The HP TET Exam 2017 will have 150 questions carrying one mark each. The total time allotted to candidates to solve the paper will be 150 minutes i.e. 2 hours and 30 Minutes. Candidates can be choosy with their answers if they unsure about a particular question’s answer as there no scope of negative marking in the HP TET Exam Pattern. The candidates will have to mark their answers in a OMR Sheet with the help of Blue/Black ball point pen. Check the details of HP TET Exam Pattern 2017 for different subjects in the table below.
HP TET Exam Pattern 2017 – Subject Wise TET Sections
Sections of the question papers for TGTs |
Section I and II common for TGT(Arts), TGT(NM) and TGT(Medical) |
Section-I Q. 1-30 Child psychology and development, pedagogy, teaching learning processes. | |
Section-II Q. 31-60 General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environmental Studies. | |
Section-III and IV for TGT(Arts) | |
Section-III Q. 61-90 English Literature & Grammar. | |
Section-IV Q.91-150 Social Studies | |
Section-III and IV for TGT(NM) | |
Section-III Q. 61-90 Mathematics | |
Section-IV Q. 91-150 Physics and Chemistry. | |
Section-III and IV for TGT(Medical) | |
Section-III Q.61-120 Botany and Zoology | |
Section-IV Q. 121-150 Chemistry |
HP TET Exam Pattern 2017 – Standard and Structure of TET
Name of TET | Standard and Structure |
TGT TET | Test items on child psychology, development, pedagogy and teaching learning processes will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group 11 to 14 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of good facilitator of learning. The questions in the other sections will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabusof the State for classes VI to VIII, but their difficulty standard as well as linkages could be up-to 10+2 level of H.P. Board of School Education. |
Shastri TET | Section-I Q. 1-120 based on Shastri degree course. |
Section-II Q.121-150 General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environmental Studies. | |
Language Teacher TET | Section–I Q. 1-120 Hindi Course of Graduation level. |
Section–II Q.121-150 General Awareness including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs & Environmental Studies. | |
Standard of L.T.TET will be of Hindi Course of Graduation level of HP University | |
JBT TET | Section-I (Q. 1- 30) – Child Development and Pedagogy, teaching learning processes. |
Section-II (Q. 31-60) English literature & grammar | |
Section-III (Q.61-90) Hindi literature & grammar | |
Section-IV (Q.91-120) Mathematics Section-IV (Q.91-120) Mathematics | |
Section-V (Q.121-150) Social Sciences, Environmental Studies and General awareness & current affairs including Himachal Pradesh |
The test items on child psychology, development, pedagogy and teaching learning processes will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group 06 to 11 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of good facilitator of learning. The question in the other sections will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the State for classes I to V, but their difficulty standard as well as linkages could be up to 10+2 level of HP Board of School Education.
The above details have been made available on the basis previous year’s notification. Candidates should stay tuned to this page for all latest news of HP TET Exam Pattern 2017. Do bookmark us.!