
Mining threatens railway bridge on Pathankot-Jogindernagar rail track

Unchecked illegal mining in Baner river near Tanda Medical College, Kangra, has put another railway bridge on the heritage Pathankot-Jogindernagar rail track at risk.

Additionally, the rampant mining poses a serious threat to an adjoining Irrigation and Public Health Department water supply project, which serves nearly a dozen villages.

Despite repeated assurances from the local administration and Mining Department, illegal extraction of sand and gravel continues unabated.

Tractor-trailers loaded with mined material can be seen transporting sand and gravel to secret locations, where the mining mafia further loads it onto larger vehicles for sale, a local resident revealed.

Several residents, including Rakesh Kumar and Munish, told The Tribune that deep trenches dug on the riverbed have weakened the foundation pillars of the railway bridge.

They alleged that illegal mining operates round the clock, with no intervention from the authorities, making life miserable for nearby villagers.

This situation bears an alarming resemblance to the collapse of a colonial-era bridge over the Chakki rivulet near Nurpur three years ago, which was attributed to illegal mining.

That disaster led to the suspension of direct train services between Pathankot and Jogindernagar, which remain non-operational to this day.

As per the state government’s mining policy, mining within 100 metres of bridges is strictly prohibited. However, images captured by this reporter show illegal mining happening right next to the bridge in Baner River.

While a complete ban on mining has been imposed in the area, the mining mafia continues its activities unchecked, dangerously close to the bridge foundations.

Locals claim they have repeatedly reported the issue to mining authorities and the local administration, but no action has been taken.

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