Shimla: Salary has been given to the employees in Himachal Road Transport Corporation, but the pensioners have not yet been given pension.
Although the HRTC management had promised to give pension to the pensioners before the 7th of the month, but the HRTC pensioners are getting the pension only at the end of the month.
Now HRTC pensioners are also preparing to open front against HRTC management. The pensioners were given the pension for the month on March 23, while the HRTC pensioners are still waiting for the pension for the month of April.
HRTC pensioners say that HRTC pensioners are facing financial and mental problems due to non-payment of pension on time.
He has raised a demand from the HRTC management and the government that pension should be provided in the first week of the month itself and a fixed date should be kept for it, so that the pension can be received on time every month.
Apart from this, State President of HRTC Retired Employees Welfare Forum Balram Puri says that HRTC pensioners have not even received the installment of arrears of the new pay commission, while the pensioners of other departments, corporations, and boards have received the first installment of Rs 50,000.
He claims that even in the meeting of the Board of HRTC, permission has been given to provide the first installment of arrears to the pensioners, but till now the pensioners have not received the pension.