The Cabinet today approved the Excise Policy for 2020-21, envisaging the revenue collection of Rs 1,840 crore, an increase of Rs 215 crore (13 per cent) over the current financial year (2019-20).
The Cabinet meeting, held under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, gave nod to the renewal of retail excise vends in the state for the year 2020-21 with an objective of enhancement in government revenue, reduction in the price of liquor and to curb its smuggling from the neighbouring states.
The new policy also allows 30 per cent of the country liquor quota for the manufacturers/bottlers to be supplied to the retail licensees. The balance 70 per cent quota can be lifted by the retail licensees from the suppliers of their choice.
The new policy also envisages taking FDR/bank guarantee from the retail licensees as security in lieu of security in a shape of property in order to secure the revenue of the government.
All the imported liquor in the state will be supplied by public custom bonded ware house located in the state from the next financial year. In addition, the policy also extended operational timings of the bars in all star related hotels and bars in specified important tourist areas from 12 noon to 2 am past midnight.
The Cabinet also approved the HP Toll Policy for the 2020-21, giving option for renewal of their lease after paying renewal fee of one per cent for the year 2020-21 and an increase of 10 per cent over the bid amount for the year 2019-20. The new toll policy envisages revenue collection of Rs 106 crore during the next financial year, an increase of Rs. 9.5 crore (10 per cent) more than estimated revenue during 2019-20, giving an overall increase of about 10 per cent.
It also gave approval for capacity expansion of distillery from 45 KL per day to 85 KL per day in favour of M/s Premier Alcobev Private Ltd., Sansarpur Terrace in Kangra district. The decision would help earn additional excise revenue of Rs 18 to 20 crore per annum.
The Cabinet gave its approval to constitute a state high level committee under the chairmanship of Chief Minister, a state level coordination committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary and District level Coordination Committees led by concerned Deputy Commissioners to celebrate the golden jubilee year of conferment of statehood to Himachal Pradesh and for celebrating golden jubilee of Statehood Day on January 25, 2021.
These committees would ensure that the golden jubilee year of statehood is celebrated in a befitting manner.
Other Cabinet decisions
n The Cabinet gave its nod to fill 23 posts of Junior Office Assistant (IT) in Labour and Employment Department on contract basis and continue the services of 173 Data Entry Operators in the department till the posts are filled through
HP Staff Selection Commission
- It decided to fill two posts of Assistant Professor in Tanda college in the Departments of General Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynaecology and consented to revive/restore one post of Reader (Kayachikitsa Vibhag) in Rajiv Gandhi Government Postgraduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola in Kangra district
- The Cabinet also approved the HP (Legacy Cases Resolution) Scheme Rules, 2020, paving way for settlement of old pending VAT cases and VAT arrears.
- The Cabinet also approved the Himachal Pradesh Toll Policy for 2010-21
Source : The Tribune