Some evidence of Mahabharata period is still present in this temple of Himachal Pradesh.

Mamleshwar Mahadev Temple Karsoga Valley

There are many ancient and miraculous temples in Himachal Pradesh, which is also known as Devbhoomi. One of those ancient temples is Mamleshwar Mahadev Temple which is considered to be connected deeply to the Pandavas of Mahabharata period.

This special temple is located in Mamel village of Karsoga Valley of Himachal Pradesh. This 5000 years old temple belongs to Lord Mahadev, but it has a deep connection with the events that happened during the Mahabharata period.

This ancient temple is famous all over India by the name of Mamleshwar Mahadev Temple. People come from far and wide to see the signs and many relics related to Mahabali Bhima present in this temple.

Mamleshwar Mahadev Temple Karsoga Valley

Related: Famous Temples of Himachal Pradesh – Part one 

Some of them are as follows

‘Bhima’s ancient drum’

Domestic and foreign tourists often gather here to see this giant ancient drum.

The length of this drum is more than 6 feet. There are five Shivalingas present in this temple which were established by the Pandavas.

Wheat grain weighing 200 grams from Mahabharata period

Another thing related to Mahabharata period which is present here is a grain of wheat which is about 5000 years old. The weight of the wheat grain is said to be 200 grams.

It sounds very strange but after requesting the priest in the temple, it is allowed to be seen in person. People are surprised to see this. The Archeology Department has also described these objects kept in the temple as very ancient.

Mamleshwar-Mahadev Temple-200gm-Wheat-Gram

Related: Famous Temples of Himachal Pradesh – Part Two

Akhand Dhuna is burning in the temple

Mamleshwar Mahadev Temple is said to have a deep connection with the Pandavas. It is said that during their exile, Pandavas had also spent some time in Mamel village.

There is a sacred flame or Dhuna in this temple which is said to be burning continuously since the Mahabharata period. There is a story told behind this monolithic tune and it is as follows-

When the Pandavas were wandering in exile, they stayed in this village for some time. At that time, a demon had camped in a cave in this village.

To save themselves from the wrath of that demon, people had made an agreement with that demon that they would send one person to him every day for his food so that he does not kill the entire village at once.

Mamleshwar Mahadev Temple Karsoga Valley

One day, the boy of the house in which the Pandavas were staying was to be sent to the demon. Seeing the boy’s mother crying, the Pandavas asked the reason and she told that today she had to send her son to the demon.

To fulfill his duty as a guest, Bhima among the Pandavas himself went to the demon instead of the boy.

When Bhima went to that demon, there was a fierce fight between them and Bhima killed that demon and freed the village from him. It is said that this unbroken flame is burning continuously in memory of this victory of Bhima.

Related: Chamunda Devi Temple – Famous Holy Shrine

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