Tadgran village will be connected by road after 75 years of independence

Tadgran village will be connected by road after 75 years of independence

After 75 years of independence, the dream of the people of Tadgran village of Bhadiankothi panchayat of Mahila development block is going to come true.

The Public Works Department has completed the construction work of about 1.25-kilometer-long link road under construction for Tadgran village. About eighty lakh rupees have been spent on the construction of this road.

On Tuesday, Sadar MLA Neeraj Nayyar will inaugurate this road and hand over the gift to the public. 150 population of Tadgran village will be benefited by this link road.

XEN of Public Works Department Chamba Mandal E. Rajiv Sharma has confirmed the news. Earlier, due to the lack of road facility for Tadgran, villagers had to travel through Ghururu built on the Ravi river.

Tadgran village will be connected by road after 75 years of independence

In the past, many times due to spoilage in the middle of the house, the breath of the villagers used to hang in the middle. The villagers had been demanding for a long time to connect Tadgran with a road facility.

On the demand of villagers, the Public Works Department has fulfilled the years-old demand of the villagers by getting the link road constructed. A wave of happiness has spread among the villagers due to the connectivity of Tadgran village with the road.

On the other hand, XEN E Rajeev Sharma of the Public Works Department Chamba Mandal said that on April 25 he will inaugurate the link road Tadgran in the afternoon. He said that eighty lakh rupees have been spent on the construction of this link road which is about 1.25 km long. He said that at present small vehicles will be able to move on the route.