Shimla: Removing the headrest from the car seat can cost you dearly. If you have removed the headrest from your vehicle, then action will be taken against you by the Transport Department under the rules.
In this case, you can be fined up to three thousand rupees. Transport Department officials say that the headrest installed in the vehicle is not just for comfort but for your safety.
In such a situation, do not make the mistake of removing the headrest. If your vehicle does not have a headrest during a road accident, then you may suffer a spine injury due to a blow to your neck.
This injury can cost you dearly throughout your life. You will have to spend a lot of money in its treatment. This mistake of yours may cost you dearly throughout your life.
On the other hand, you can also become a victim of death due to a blow to the neck. Apart from spine injury, you can also suffer brain stoke. If there is an accident with the car, the headrest is used to protect your head.
Due to its design, it prevents your head from going back too far during an accident. The headrests are designed in such a way that they lean forward. In such a situation, the neck gets protection during an accident and the risk of serious injury is reduced.
Removing the headrest from the seat is a social crime.
Transport Department officials say that most of the people remove the headrest from the vehicle seat because the people sitting in the back seat cannot see ahead.
By doing this you risk your life. Removing the headrest from the seat is not only a legal offense but also a social crime.
Risk of brain stroke also reduced
Anupam Kashyap, Director of Transport Department, said that apart from providing you comfort, the headrest in the seat also provides safety. Removing the headrest can cause spine injury or brain stroke during a road accident.
These can either cost you your life or you may have to struggle with them for the rest of your life. In such a situation, do not remove the headrest from the car seat.
If someone’s vehicle does not have a headrest, then the transport department will also charge a fine of Rs 3,000 as per the rules.