New Delhi: Cracked heels is a problem which almost everyone encounters. It is very important to take care of your toes to avoid cracked heels as this problem aggravates in winters.
If you have problem of cracked heels avoid wearing flip-flops and walking barefoot as it can damage the skin on your feet. The constant exposure to air dries out the delicate skin and create calluses. The pressure of pounding your feet on the ground when you walk or run exasperates the issue and causes heel cracks in the skin. If you continue to walk or run in a situation like this, the cracks can split open and become deeper.
Read on to know the best natural remedies to cure cracked heels.
Home remedies to treat cracked heels:
– For treating cracked heels, apply a mixture of candle wax and mustard oil and leave it on overnight to see the difference.
– Apply pulp of ripe banana on the affected area. It helps a lot in fast healing.
– Make a mixture of glycerin and rosewater and apply it to your feet for say 15 days and you will be amazed to see the results.
– Make a mixture of turmeric, tulsi and camphor in equal parts and add a little aloe vera gel into it. Now, apply the paste on the heels and see the results.