Mandi youth tests positive

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The worst fears of import of coronavirus by allowing the entry of thousands into Himachal seem to be coming true as a new positive case came to light today. The case has come at a time when Himachal was aiming to be corona-free as there was only one active case in Solan. Now, the number of total cases had risen to 41.

A 30-year-old youth of Jogindernagar in Mandi district, working in a multinational company in Delhi, tested positive. This is the first case of a person, who had entered the state on an e-pass issued by Mandi DC, testing positive for corona. The person, working in a telecom company, returned home on April 29 in a taxi along with three others. He has now been shifted to Nerchowk medical college while the administration will take the samples of his family and other contacts.

A 26-year-old girl, hailing from Gurdaspur, who had been residing at a labour hostel at Jhad Majri in Baddi, also tested positive at her native village in Gurdaspur, where she reached from Baddi on April 28. The case will be counted in Punjab.

The girl had been lodged in the hostel since lockdown but visited GMCH-32, Chandigarh, on April 26 as she was suffering from stones. Immediately after return, she fell sick and left for her home in Gurdaspur. The samples of 22 primary contacts, including other girls and the staff of the hostel, will be tested tomorrow.

Source : The Tribune