The Cabinet today gave its nod to fill 2,322 posts in the Irrigation and Public Health (IPH) Department.
The posts of 718 para pump operator, 162 para fitter and 1,442 multipurpose worker, under the Departmental Para Workers Policy to manage 486 drinking water and 31 irrigation schemes will be filled. The Cabinet also gave its nod to open a new PWD division at Jhandutta in Bilaspur district.
With floriculturists suffering losses of Rs 15.77 crore between March and May 2020 due to non-transportation of flowers, the Cabinet has decided to provide them Rs 4 crore as compensation for which the guidelines were approved.
To ensure the smooth operation of National Ambulance Services-108, it was decided to make payment over and above the provisions of concession agreements as a special interim measure and stop-gap arrangement to employees of GVK-EMRI by enhancing the take home salary of its employees.
The Cabinet approved the amendment in Section 3 of the Himachal Pradesh War Awards Act, 1972, for enhancing the grant of war jagirs from Rs 5,000 to Rs 7,000 annually for all eligible persons.
It also gave approval to constitute Nagar Panchayat, Shahpur, in Kangra district and upgrade Nagar Panchayat, Sarkaghat, in Mandi district to Municipal Council for better planning of the town.
It gave its ex-post facto relaxation in condition number 2.14 Clause 3 of Chapter II of Toll Policy 2020-21 for allowing those to participate in the auction-cum tender process for the allotment of toll leases who have cleared their dues.
Source : The Tribune