Cement Transport work starts after 69 days in ACC Factory Barmana, Now Business will Return to Track

Cement company accepted demands of truck operators

ACC cement factory Baramana has begun to transport cement and clinker. Now the cement business will gradually come back on track.

Under the prescribed schedule, the demand was recently demanded and the vehicles were sent to the factory for cement and clinker loading.

Apart from BDTS head Rakesh Thakur, General Secretary Pradeep Thakur and Treasurer Suresh Chaudhary, Anil Happy, Jaisingh Thakur and other officials thanked Bilaspur’s leadership for abolishing the cement dispute.

He gave Chief Minister Sukhvindra Singh Sukhu, Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agrihotri, Industry Minister Dr. Harshvardhan Chauhan, Arki MLA Sanjay Awasthi, MLA Rajesh Dharmani, former Minister Ramlal Thakur, State Congress Party General Secretary and former MLA Sadar Bambar Thakur etc. Thank you with gratitude.

Cement Transport Work Started in Accc Factory Barmana after 69 days

On this occasion, BDTS President Rakesh Thakur Rocky and General Secretary Pradeep Thakur said that as part of the decision taken in the mediation of Chief Minister Sukhvindra Singh It will be Rs 5.15 i.e. half of the prescribed rate.

The meeting has agreed to give the hike and annual increase due to diesel inflation, which will be available from the month of April.

It has also been assured to give 10 thousand metric tons of freight to the volume. All this has been possible due to the 69-day struggle of truck operators.

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