Pardeep Kumar elected Senate member


Dr Pardeep Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science and Water Management, was elected as a Senate member by defeating Dr Subash Sharma, Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences.

Senate polls in the constituency of Associate Professors/Professors at Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, were held on September 25. The results were declared on Saturday evening.

Dr Pardeep Kumar polled 54 votes against 48 secured by Dr Sharma, out of 103 votes polled in the elections. One vote was declared invalid.

Kumar has also remained president of Central Student’s Association in 1993-94 and had played a significant role for securing 70 per cent reservation for forestry graduates in the direct recruitment of Range Forest officers and for securing posts of Horticulture Development officers in the state.