Himachal Pradesh government allots Rs 5,700cr under annual plan


SHIMLA: The Himachal Pradesh Planning Board on Monday approved Rs 5,700 crore under its 2017-18 annual plan. CM Virbhadra Singh, who presided over the meeting, said the government decided to continue with the annual plan despite the NITI Aayog discontinuing the yearly allotment system.

He said the proposed plan size was 9.1% more as compared to last year’s Rs 5,200 crore allotment, with top priority to social services sector. He said that despite limited financial resources, the government was committed to fulfilling all promises made in its manifesto for rapid, inclusive and sustainable growth of the state.
An outlay of Rs 2,213 crore had been proposed for social service sector, followed by transport and communication with a proposed outlay of Rs 1,073 crore, the CM said.For agriculture and allied services sector, Rs 714 crore had been proposed, and for hydel power, Rs 683 crore, Virbhadra added.