Gadkari Shared Pictures of Kiratpur-Manali Four-Lane and Wrote, 5 Tunnels will Open for Trial

Gadkari shared pictures of Kiratpur-Manali four-lane and wrote

Shimla: Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari on Wednesday night posted some pictures of the Kiratpur-Manali four-lane project on his Facebook page.

Along with this, important information has also been shared on opening the four-lane for vehicles.

He has written that 10 tunnels are being constructed from Pandoh to Ott in the Mandi district of the Kiratpur-Manali four-lane project which is important from strategic and tourism point of view.

Of these, five tunnels from Hanogi to Jhalogi have been completed. These tunnels are being opened for trial.

Gadkari shared pictures of Kiratpur-Manali four-lane and wrote

From Hanogi to Jhalogi, especially during the rainy season, there was a danger of stone falling from the mountains and it had to be closed in rainy season due to the water of the Beas river coming on the road.

Passengers will now get rid of this problem and travel will be safe and time will also be saved.

It is proposed to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on completion of the road from Kiratpur to Nerchowk and from Pandoh to Takoli.

He has given best wishes to the people of Devbhoomi Himachal Pradesh for the fourlane.

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