For the first time, the speed of trains will be increased with seven coaches on the World Heritage Kalka-Shimla Railway Track. At present the trains running here are running at a speed of 22 kilometers per hour.
This will now be increased to more than 25 km per hour. Its trials will start soon. New coaches are being prepared for this in Railway Coach Factory Kapurthala. These trials will be conducted with these coaches.
Even before this, trials were conducted to increase the speed of the train, but they were conducted with only four coaches. For the first time, these trials will be conducted by adding seven coaches.
If the trial is successful, all trains on the Kalka-Shimla railway track will run at a speed of 25 km per hour. If the trial is successful then the journey between Kalka and Shimla will end soon.
At present it takes about six hours from Kalka to Shimla. If the speed increases then the time to reach Shimla train from Kalka will take less than 45 minutes to one hour.
This is how the speed will increase
According to railway officials, the suspension is being upgraded in the new railway coaches. Anti brake system is also being strengthened in every coach. Apart from this, many tight turns have been opened in the railway line from Kalka to Shimla.
Earlier, the speed of the train had to be reduced considerably, but now after the opening of the turn, the speed will not be reduced.
Besides, the height of concrete laid under the railway line has also been reduced at many places. There will not be much danger in increasing the speed.
Only rail motor car runs at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour. On the Kalka-Shimla railway track, the speed of only rail motor car is 25 kilometers per hour.
No other train can run more than 22.50 km. Due to narrow gauge, the speed was not being increased here. But now there will be trials with a new coach.
Now the speed of trains will be increased on the world heritage Kalka-Shimla railway line. New coaches are being prepared for this.
For the first time, trials will be started soon with seven coaches. If the trials are successful then all trains will run at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour only.