Supreme Court Reserved its Decision in JOA IT Recruitment Case


The Supreme Court has reserved its judgment in the Junior Office Assistant (JOA) IT recruitment case. Petitioner Ankita Thakur and others have challenged the decision of the Himachal High Court in the Supreme Court.

On the recruitment process of Junior Office Assistant Post Code 556, the High Court had ordered to make a revised merit list.

While the excluded candidates were waiting for the revised merit list to be prepared as per the decision of the High Court, the people working on the post of JOA IT had filed a petition in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court had put a stay on the High Court’s result revision decision.


On December 31, the Himachal High Court, while disposing of the petitions filed regarding the recruitment of the posts of JOA, had ordered the Himachal Staff Selection Commission to fill all the posts announced under the advertisement of postcode 556 as per the recruitment done under postcode 447. Do and prepare the merit list again.

The High Court had also ordered the removal of the remaining posts of postcode 556 which were included in postcode 817.

After this decision of the High Court, the recruitment of the remaining 560 posts under postcode 556 is to be done from among the successful candidates under the advertisement dated October 18, 2016. In the year 2014, the government made recruitment and promotion rules to fill the posts of JOA.

On 13 February 2015 applications were invited to fill 1421 posts under post code 447. Some candidates had challenged these recruitments in court citing flaws in the recruitment rules made for these posts.