The Biggest Tunnel of Kiratpur-Nerchowk Four-lane is Ready in 22 Months

Four lane from above Gaggal airport

The biggest tunnel of Kiratpur-Nerchowk four-lane is ready. Sensors to know the amount of oxygen and nitrogen gases have been installed in this 1800-meter-long tunnel located in Kainchimod of sub-division Shri Nayanadevi ji.

Fans for ventilation, telephones for security, cameras, and fire extinguishers have also been installed in the tunnel. High mast lights have also been installed in the tunnel. This tunnel has been completed in 22 months.

About Rs 300 crore has been spent on this. Traffic will be started from the end of April. The work of the first and biggest Kainchimod tunnel of Kiratpur-Nerchowk four-lane started in the year 2015.

The tunnel work was stopped in 2017 after the bankruptcy of the IL&FS company doing the construction.

In July 2021, the Bharat Construction Company started the tunnel work again after the work was stopped for almost three and a half years.

Biggest tunnel Kiratpur-Nerchowk four-lane is ready

Both ends of the tunnel were found in December this year. After this, the lining work was started. This tunnel is the longest of the five tunnels built up to Ner Chowk.

Bharat Construction Company is constructing this tunnel under Shri Nayanadevi in Panchayat Swahan. One end of it is in Kainchi Mod and the other in Mehla village. Bridges are currently being constructed towards Mehla village.

Due to this, the traffic has not started yet. After the construction of these bridges, four-laning will start till Ner Chowk. According to company officials, the bridges will be constructed by the end of April.

Excavation of 1100 Meters of the Second Tube Completed

The second tube (parallel tunnel) of the Fourlane’s largest Kainchi Mod (scissor turn) tunnel is also being constructed. Its excavation of about 1100 meters has been completed. The second tube will cost Rs 280 crore.

The second tube is being connected to the first tube every 300 meters so that traffic can be diverted to the other side if there is an obstruction inside it.

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