This is a Daily Affair for Pahadi Women, You cannot try it at Home!


People of high altitude hilly areas are known for living under tough conditions. People here usually have to work harder to earn a living. Especially a pahadi women do more labor than men on an average day.

Cutting wood and grass from the forest, herding sheep and goats, bringing fodder for animals, chopping wood, cleaning the house, filling water, etc. are some of the daily tasks that common pahadi women have to do during the day.

In these daily ventures, many times the people here also have to face dangers such as the danger of wild animals and insects in the forest, the danger of crossing the rivers, the danger of wild bees etcetera. No need to mention here that many times in the past these dangers have been proved to be fatal.

This is the gist of our today’s post. In a video share on Twitter, a hill/pahadi woman from Himachal Pradesh is crossing a furious river on a rope roller along with a heavy bundle of wood. And there’s not even a trace of trouble on her face since it is a daily affair for her. And she is smiling seeing that she is being filmed!

Hanging upside down on the rope, she is pulling trolley as if it is a left hand game for her. We often see game shows like Khatron Ke Khiladi on TV, on which its participants are given many games full of dangers in various ways. By completing which they get applause and win prizes.

But this is just a left hand game for the hill people and for this they are neither given any reward nor they are greedy for any reward because it is the responsibility of their daily life.

Taking this kind of risk everyday for living has become a part of their life, but directly or indirectly the administration and the government are responsible for it.

But government and administration also don’t care about these risks anymore because these people don’t complain about it and have become used to it. They give their full cooperation in every work of the administration and in the elections as well.

So doesn’t it become the responsibility of the government that if they cooperate in every possible way, so can’t it provide them even basic facilities to even save their lives?

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