For the first time, a meeting was held on Friday at the level of Industries Minister on the issue of two cement industries ACC and Barmana which were closed for more than a month in Himachal. Adani Company officials were also present along with the Truck Operators Union.
No solution to this dispute could be found in the meeting, but after discussing with the Chief Minister, the Industries Minister assured about notifying the rate of freight. Industries Minister Harshvardhan Chouhan presided over the meeting organized with Truck Operators Union Barmana and Darlaghat and Cement Company Management.
After the meeting, the Industries Minister said that the aim of the state government is to build a consensus between the Truck Operators Union and the Cement Company Management, so that the cement plants can resume their operations smoothly.
He said that the government has expressed its displeasure with the company management and its owners and it is the priority of the government to make these plants operational at the earliest.
The episode has caused huge financial loss to the state government. Apart from this, truck operators are without work for more than a month. He said that people who are directly and indirectly associated with the company are struggling for their livelihood.
Director Food and Supplies Department KC Chaman, Director Industries Rakesh Kumar Prajapati, Director Himachal Road Transport Corporation Anupam Kashyap, truck operators and representatives of Adani Company were present on the occasion.
Company imposing rates of plain states
Talking to the media after the meeting, other union officials including Ramkishan from Darlaghat truck union alleged that Adani company wants to impose the rate of plain states in the hill state of Himachal.
In fact, the company has imposed a lockout in protest against the preparation of the state government, in which there was talk of giving cement to the common man at the rate of civil supplies.
The truck operators also demanded the government to get the audit of both the cement industries done, so that the reality of the cost of cement could be known. The truck union has clearly stated that if the freight rate is not according to them, then the protest will continue.
Extra trucks should be removed from the company in three years
Before coming to the meeting, a memorandum has been given to the state government on behalf of Ajay Kapoor, CEO of Adani Company’s cement business.
It has been said that the company needs only 550 new and multi axle trucks. The state government should phase out the remaining thousands of trucks from both the cement industries within three years.
The company has also sought approval from the government to swap cement bags of Ambuja and ACC. The company has made it clear that only 50,000 annual kilometers will be taken into account for the calculation of freight rates.
The company has also said that due to stubbornness of truck unions, there is a problem in bringing investment in Himachal and the government should understand its seriousness.
Demonstration going on in Darlaghat for 38 days
The dispute between cement plant and truck operators in Darlaghat regarding freight transportation is yet to be resolved. On the other hand, UltraTech Cement Management Baga has also written a letter to the state government saying that if the freight is not reduced, the cement plant Baga will also have to be closed.
Here, in Dadlaghat of district Solan, the difficulties of the operators have already increased and now the truck operators carrying goods in Baga are also worried about freight.
Instead of resolving the freight dispute in Darlaghat for 38 days, it is getting complicated day by day, now the patience of the truck operators is breaking. The operators have been agitating peacefully for 37 days. On Friday, the 38th day, truck operators gathered at the main gate of Ambuja. (hdm)
Adani company’s cement laden trucks will not allow Himachal to come
In the meeting of the Core Group of The District Bilaspur Truck Operators Transport Cooperative Society (BDTS), everyone unanimously decided that if the matter is not resolved in time, then Adani Group’s cement will not be allowed to enter either the outside state or Himachal Pradesh. For this, a step like sealing all the borders of Himachal can be taken.
Expressed anger in the meeting that BDTS was not invited in the meeting of truck operators with Industries Minister Harshvardhan Chauhan, due to which a program is being made to meet the Chief Minister soon. Truck operators are now preparing to fight a decisive battle for their rights.
It has been more than a month since the lockout of the ACC plant, but the matter is yet to be resolved. The meeting of the core group was held on Friday in the Barmana office of the Sabha under the chairmanship of Pradhan Rakesh Thakur, in which Senior Vice President Kamal Kishore, Deputy President Jai Singh Thakur, General Secretary Pradeep Thakur, Chief Patron Anil Happy, Vice Chairman Ganga Singh Thakur, Treasurer Suresh Chaudhary Chief Treasurer Santosh Thakur, Co-Secretary Vikas Bhargava, Co-Treasurer and Spokesperson Rajpal Thakur and Chief Secretary Kuldeep Thakur were present.
The meeting started at 11:30 am and continued till 2:30 pm, in which many important points were discussed and many questions were raised regarding the report of HIMCON. The Principal Secretary of the Sabha Kuldeep Thakur said that the issue of transporters does not seem to be resolved.
It is surprising that the government is also not taking any action and there has been a discussion about meeting the CM once again regarding the issue. A blueprint is being prepared to corner the central government as well.
Sabha president Rakesh Thakur said that it has been 36 days since the dispute between the company management and the truck operators’ societies regarding the freight charges and the trucks are standing on the roadside, but till now the matter of the transporters does not seem to be resolved.
Anger at not being invited to the meeting
In the meeting of the core group of BDTS Barmana, anger was expressed that the meeting was not called in the meeting organized by Industry Minister Harshvardhan Chauhan with the truck operators, whereas in this meeting, the report of HIMCON was discussed before the Industry Minister. There was to be a discussion.
Everyone unanimously expressed anger towards the working style of the government for not being called for the meeting. No representative of the BDTS Sabha was invited in this meeting.