Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has released the admit cards of the candidates for the HAS examination on Saturday. The preliminary examination of HAS will be conducted on October 1 in various centers across the state.
Public Service Commission has uploaded the admit card on its website. Candidates can download the admit card by visiting the website (http://www.hppsc.hp.gov.in/hppsc/) of the Commission. Instructions have been issued by the Public Service Commission that separate e-admit cards will not be issued to the candidates.
Candidates have been instructed to visit the website of the Commission and download the admit card on A-4 size paper. Apart from this, for any information, candidates can also contact the phone number of Public Service Commission.
Recently, re-schedule for HAS examination was released by the department. It may be noted that due to bad weather in the state, the preliminary examination of HAS was also postponed.
Initially the date of examination was fixed on 23rd July and then on 20th August keeping in view the weather conditions but due to bad weather and closure of roads, this examination could not be conducted.
Now the Public Service Commission has decided to conduct this examination on 1st October after the roads open and the weather becomes fine.