Discussion in Delhi Regarding the Roads of the State, the Central Government has to Approve the Package of PMGSY in the State

Four lane from above Gaggal airport

Shimla: A great brainstorming session is now taking place in Delhi on big Centre-based schemes. The Central Government has to approve the huge package of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana for Himachal. In this episode, the officials of the Public Works Department are exploring the possibilities of PMGSY.

In Himachal, the State Government has sent the DPR of the second phase of PMGSY to the Centre. A budget of 2813 crore has been proposed in this DPR. In this DPR, the Public Works Department has set a target of renovating about 2700 km of roads.

Himachal has got the approval of Rs 440 crore in the first installment. Now the roads which have been included in the second DPR are being discussed continuously between the state and the central government. After completing the formalities, now the proposal has been sent to the state.

Discussion in Delhi regarding the roads of the state

In fact, Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu and Public Works Department Minister Vikramaditya Singh have also met in view of the approval of the state government’s PMGSY. The Central Government has tightened the process of approval of PMGSY.

The GIS reports and photos from there have to be sent to the Central Government. After this, the Central Government officials decide whether the road will be sanctioned in PMGSY or not. The state government has selected roads from all the blocks across the state for PMGSY.

For this year, about 3100 km of roads have come on the part of the state. Out of these, approval has already been given for 400 km and now efforts are being made for 2700 km.

If approved, the Government of India will spend 90 percent

With the consent of the State Government, the Public Works Department has prepared the DPR on the basis of past experiences. In such a situation, it is expected that the proposed DPR from Himachal will also be approved in the coming days.

If the Central Government approves the restoration of these roads, then the Government of India will meet 90 percent of the expenditure.

Himachal will have to spend only ten percent. This is the reason why the state government has put all its strength in achieving the huge budget.