Compassionate recruitment process may start soon in Jal Shakti Department. There are 380 applications pending in the department for compassionate individuals.
The previous government could not take a decision on these applications and non-availability of vacant posts was cited as the reason.
Now after the formation of the new government, the discussion has started again on filling these posts. Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri has instructed the officials of Jal Shakti Department to prepare a blueprint for compassionate recruitment.
In the first review meeting of Jal Shakti Department, there has been a big discussion on compassionate dependents.
Along with this, the officers have also received orders to find out how the recruitment process can be completed. Significantly, there are 380 applications pending in the Jal Shakti Department, but the number of vacant posts in the fourth category is limited. Earlier, Karunamulak was demanding one-time recruitment on these posts.
Due to this the recruitment process could not be completed. At present, 60 posts of Chowkidar and 50 posts of Helper are vacant in class IV. A total of 110 posts can be filled. However the applications are still 380.
Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri has given instructions for preparations regarding the recruitment of compassionate people.
On the other hand, Chief Engineer Sanjeev Kaul said that orders have been given to speed up the recruitment process of Karunamulaks.
All the applications for the recruitment of Karunamulaks pending in Jal Shakti Department will be processed in future.
The department will start the process of giving appointments to compassionate people on the basis of vacant posts.
Although these appointments will be made outright or will be deployed according to the vacant posts, the department is considering it.