NIT Hamirpur is conducting a five-day Online Short-Term Course (STC) on Machine Learning and its Applications in Information Security, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing from March 13 to 17.
Pro. HM Suryavanshi Director, NIT Hamirpur is the Patron of the STC, while Dr. Naveen Chauhan is the Head of the Department of CSE.
STC Coordinators Dr. Jyoti Srivastava and Dr. Mohit Kumar said that the expert lectures will highlight the latest developments on highly relevant topics such as Machine Learning, Information Security, Computer Vision, NLP, and IoT.
He informed that participants from across the country have registered for the STC.
Experts from reputed institutes and universities across the country have been invited to disseminate their knowledge. The STC was inaugurated by Professor HM Suryavanshi Director, NIT Hamirpur.
During the ceremony, Prof. Zainul Abedin Jafri (Jamia Millia Islamia) were also present. Pro. Suryavanshi emphasized the role of NIT Hamirpur in the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge.
Pro. Anoop Kumar Dean Faculty Welfare emphasized on the importance and timeliness of STC.
Dr. Naveen Chauhan (Head DOCSE) briefed about the various programs and facilities offered by the Department of CSE related to research in emerging areas of AI, Machine Learning, Information Security etc.
After the opening ceremony, Prof. Jafri delivered an expert talk on Computer Vision Based Health Monitoring and Analysis. Pro. KV Arya (IIITM Gwalior) and Prof. Sudeep Tanwar also shared his expert knowledge.