Tourism Survey for the State Of Himachal Pradesh


Himachal Pradesh has scores of beautiful towns and hamlets all over the state, which offers tourists a variety of destinations to go and relax and also explore both during summers – when it offers respite from the heat in the plains and during winter – when snow covered terrains delight one and all.

Tourism Survey for the State Of Himachal Pradesh (April 2011 – March 2012)

Keeping this in mind the Ministry of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India awarded ACNielsen ORG-MARG, one of the largest market research and consultancy organizations in this part of the continent, to conduct a study for a period of one year (2011-2012) for collection of Tourism Statistics.

Aim of this Research/Tourism Survey

Aim of the proposed research was to collect relevant tourist related statistics, from the State of Himachal Pradesh, which would enable analyzing subtle trends as well as preparation of month wise and annual estimates separately for foreign and domestic visitors –with a break –up of overnight tourists & same day visitors for selected tourist places.

Tourist Destinations Surveyed in Tourism Survey

The destinations which were included in the study are listed here. These destinations were included, based on secondary research and after discussions with officials from MR division of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and officials from Himachal Pradesh Tourism Ministry.

A Report from the Tourism Survey (below) – Month Wise and District Wise Domestic Visitor Arrival in Himachal Pradesh

E.8 Month Wise and District Wise Domestic Visitor Arrival in Himachal Pradesh
E.8 Month Wise and District Wise Domestic Visitor Arrival in Himachal Pradesh in season 2011-2012

Onc can download the detailed Tourism Survey Report from the website of Department of Tourism of Government of India. Here is the Download Link.

Next: See the govt. approved list of Tourist Places in Himachal Pradesh


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