Heavy loss to Petrol Pumps due to Lockout of Cement Plant, Daily Sale at Bilaspur Pumps Reduced to 25 Percent

Petrol and diesel become cheaper

The lockout of ACC Cement Factory Barmana as well as the Ambuja Factory of Darla has left the petrol pumps of district Bilaspur dry. The daily sale at these pumps has also reduced to just 25 percent.

The figure of diesel loan of truck operators has reached almost Rs 120 crore. Not only this, the money borrowed for repairs etc. of trucks in the workshops working on the pumps is also stuck with truck operators running into lakhs.

In such a situation, a big economic crisis has arisen in front of the petrol pump operators. They also have to pay 12 to 14 percent interest to the banks. Apart from this, the problem of payment of salary and other expenses of the employees has also increased the concern of the pump operators.

While giving information after the meeting held with the pump operators, the President of Himachal Pradesh Petroleum Association, Sukumar Singh said that due to the closure of the factory, the business of the petrol pump operators has come to a standstill.

The concern of operators is increasing and the loan amount of diesel of truck operators associated with BDTS and ex-servicemen corporation is also not coming back. They have to pay the interest of the banks.

He told that about 40 petrol pumps of different companies are working in Bilaspur district, where truck operators fill diesel in trucks. At most petrol pumps, diesel is taken on credit, which is repaid by the truck operators after months.

He said that apart from ACC Cement Factory, the movement of thousands of trucks from Ambuja and Darlaghat Cement Factories to other states including Punjab passes through Bilaspur district.

That’s why the business of petrol pumps in Solan and Bilaspur districts is better, but due to the closure of Barmana and Darlaghat cement factories for the last 49 days, a big economic crisis has arisen in front of the truck owners.

The trucks are standing and they have also faced problems in paying the loan installments taken from the banks. (hdm)

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