The Himachal government has issued instructions regarding the administrative officers that no one will make political recommendation or pressure for their transfer or posting.
Political influence of any kind will not be used to get a good post. Based on some recent incidents, these written instructions have been issued by the Chief Secretary.
It has been said on behalf of the government that IAS, HAS and Himachal Pradesh Secretariat Services officers are using political influence for their postings and transfers.
There are also some officers who go on leave on medical grounds after transfer, so that they can get a chance for adjustment at the station of their choice, but now this will not happen.
The Chief Secretary has said that using political influence for posting is against the conduct rules and does not even warrant an administrative officer.
So if anyone does this now, disciplinary action will be taken. On the other hand, the government has also halved the joining time after transfer of employees.
In the cabinet held on Wednesday, this matter was placed in the cabinet on behalf of the Finance Department. It has been the experience of the state government that due to longer joining time, after the transfer, instead of joining the new place, the employees go for adjustment.
Because of which the number of transfers also increases. That’s why the cabinet has decided to halve this joining time. However, the notification in this regard is still awaited.
Now, in case of transfer, the possibility of taking additional time on the basis of medical ground will also be abolished. After the notification is issued at the state government level, all the departments will implement the new timeline.
it won’t do
It has been said by the government that there are some officers who go on leave on medical grounds after transfer, so that they can get a chance for adjustment at the station of their choice, but now this will not happen.