Interview Dates Fixed for JBT Batchwaiz Recruitment

JBT recruitment counseling will be held home district only

In Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh, 41 vacant posts of JBT will be filled through Batch-wise recruitment. For these, on 9 and 10 March, interviews will be conducted at the Deputy Director Office of Hamirpur, the Deputy Director of Elementary Education.

Deputy Director of Elementary Education-Kulbhushan Rakesh Dhiman informed that on March 9, candidates of District Hamirpur and candidates of other districts will be interviewed on March 10.

He informed that candidates who pass the JBT/D.Ed/D.Ed/B.Ed JBT Tate in R&P rules can participate in this selection process.

In these 41 posts, there are 16 posts of general category and eight posts of General EWS. For these, the eligible candidates of the batch till 2010 are being called for interviews.

For the seven posts of SC, till the year 2012, up to new batch for two posts of SC IRDP, the year 2012 for two posts of OBC, also for a post of OBC IRDP for 2012, and up to new batch for five posts of ST Candidates are being called for interview.

Batchwaiz JBT Recruitment Interview dates fixed

The Deputy Director said that according to the orders of the High Court, eligible candidates from other districts registered in the Employment Office can also participate in the interview.

He said that information related to the application form, necessary documents, and educational qualifications has been made available on the website of Deputy Director Office DDEEMIR DOT ORG dot in and Himachal dot NIC dot in elementary education of the Directorate of Elementary Education.

Eligible candidates can download the bio-data form from the website and participate in the interview on the scheduled date.

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