Recruitment rules of TGT will be changed, Education Department sent a proposal to amend the rules to the Personnel Department.

JBT-Shastri Cabinet discusses batchwise recruitment

Shimla: In Himachal Pradesh, the recruitment rules for trend graduate teacher ie the TGT cadre are being changed. The Education Department has submitted this proposal to the Personnel Department and the recruitment rules of TGTs will be changed before the recruitment of 6000 new posts approved by the Cabinet.

Education Minister Rohit Thakur has given these instructions in the review meeting of the department. The recruitment rules for TGTs in Himachal are from 2012, in which 50 percent marks are required in graduation for the general category, while there is a relaxation of five percent for the reserved categories.

The requirement for them is 45 percent marks. While implementing the new system in 2019, NCTE has given the option of 50% marks in post graduation also in case of not completing 50% marks in graduation for TGT.

Education Department Recruitment rules of TGT will be changed

This option was not adopted by the Himachal government. If it is implemented in Himachal also, then those candidates of the general category will also be benefited, who do not have 50% marks in graduation.

Apart from this, two more amendments have been proposed in the recruitment rules. Education Minister Rohit Thakur has asked the department to get this process completed soon by the Personnel Department and Public Service Commission and bring it to the cabinet and new TGT recruitments should be done as per the new rules.

Actually, the Himachal government has approved 6000 posts in the education department in the cabinet held in 2023. In this, the maximum posts are in JBT and TGT only.

The Education Minister wants about 2500 of these posts should be filled first on a batch-wise basis. The formation of the new State Selection Commission is awaited to start the process of this recruitment, hence the recruitment rules of TGT will be changed first.

TGT is a big cadre in the state education department and every year around 3000 teachers retire. This is the reason why recruitment has to be done every year in this cadre.

New education secretary will visit the education directorate today

New Education Secretary Rakesh Kanwar will visit Directorate of Education Lalpani for the first time on Friday after taking charge of this department. Earlier, a review meeting of the department was held in the State Secretariat itself under the chairmanship of the Education Minister.

In the meeting, Mr. Kanwar has noted some points, which will be discussed in the department along with the directorate itself. There is also a draft for pre-nursery teacher recruitment.