The results of the 10th and 12th annual examination 2023 can be released by the Central Board of Secondary Education next week. The evaluation of answer sheets of the CBSE 10th examinations has been completed on April 20, 2023.
Now the evaluation of answer sheets of the CBSE 12th exam has also been completed. In such a situation, board results can be declared within a week. However, the date of releasing the result from the CBSE board has not been decided yet.
But it is expected that the results can be released in the next one week i.e. in the first week of May.
After the declaration of CBSE class 10, and 12 exam results, candidates will be able to check by visiting the official website of the board, cbseresults.nic.in and cbse.gov.in.
CBSE Result Marksheet will be available in DigiLocker like previous years this year also. It is believed that after the declaration of CBSE 12th result, the 10th result will be released.
However, in case the results are ready, the results of both classes can be released on the same day. Let us tell you that about 38 lakh students had appeared in the CBSE 10th, and 12th examination this year.