Aishwarya Chand, New King of Katoch Dynasty, Coronated after 400 years in Historic Kangra Fort


Even though the monarchy has ended in India after independence, but the pride and fame of the kings continues even today.

This was reflected in the historical fort of Kangra on Thursday, when the 489th king of the Katoch dynasty, Aishwarya Chand Katoch, was crowned.

Thakur Uday Dev Katoch of Bijapur coronated the new Maharaja in the temple of Ambika, the Kuldevi mother of the Katoch dynasty in Kangra fort.

People from India and abroad reached the program of Katoch dynasty of Kangra, which is among the longest-living dynasties in the world.

Rajtilak Havan and Navami were celebrated from 9 am till 12 noon. The coronation program took place from 12 noon to 1 pm. After that Nazrana was presented in Trigarta Darbar.

Rajmata Chandresh Kumari has also organized Kangri Dham for the local public at Rajmahal Lambagaon on April 2, on the occasion of the coronation of the new Maharaja Aishwarya Dev Chand Katoch.

As soon as she was crowned, Shailja Kumari Katoch got the title of Queen and her son Ambikeshwar Chandra Katoch got the title of Tikka Raj.

Maharaja Aishwarya Chand Katoch also released a book in the program. The last coronation took place in Kangra fort in 1629 AD.


Museum near the fort

The kings of Katoch dynasty had once built 3000 temples in Trigarta. Aishwarya is the son of former Union Minister Chandresh Kumari. The Maharaja Sansar Chand Museum near Kangra Fort is also run by the royal family.

The Kangra Fort, on the other hand, was impregnable with its 282 defensive enclosures. Even today people from all over the country and abroad come to see this fort.

People from far and Wide Attended the Event

Celebrities from far and wide reached the program. In this, Udaydev reached Katoch from Bijapur, the birthplace of Maharaja Sansar Chand Katoch. People from the royal families of Bastar, Jaipur, Rampur, Sirohi, and Jodhpur arrived.

Kanwar Raghav Guleria from Guler and Raja Dr. Ashok Thakur participated from Siba. Many guests from Delhi and abroad also participated in the program.