Shimla: The portal will open for applications in September for the academic session 2023-24 under the Pre and Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme.
The Directorate of Education has given instructions to keep ready all the certificates of the students taking advantage of this scheme from now so that there is no problem for the application later and the applications of the students do not reach the half incomplete department.
Apart from this, it has been asked to link the bank accounts of students applying for scholarship with Aadhaar soon.
In the academic session 2022-23, the scholarship of hundreds of students has not yet been released due to incomplete applications of students and the non-linking of Aadhaar with their accounts. For this, the process of linking students’ accounts with Aadhaar is being completed these days by the Education Department.
After all these problems came to the fore, now the education department issued instructions to all the district deputy directors, college and school principals to complete all the preparations even before the portal opens.
Himachali bonafide students of SC and ST category get the benefit of pre and post-matric scholarship. Even if the student is pursuing education in any state outside Himachal and has a certificate of being a permanent resident of Himachal, he can apply for this scheme.
In the pre-matric and post-matric scholarship of 2022-23, the center share of all has stopped due to mistakes in the applications of 25 to 30 percent students and non-seeding of bank accounts with Aadhaar.
For pre and post matric scholarship, the education department has issued income certificate, Himachali certificate, caste certificate, certificate related to educational qualification, and other certificates which are necessary for center and state scholarship. The department has given instructions to make income certificate soon.