Two World Cup matches confirmed in Dharamsala, BCCI’s schedule draft leaked

World Cup matches will be held under LED lights in Dharamshala

Shimla: At least two matches of the ODI Cricket World Cup, to be held in India in October-November this year, will be played at HPCA Stadium, Dharamshala.

Although the number of matches to be held in Dharamsala is likely to increase in the official schedule to be released next week, two matches have been confirmed for now.

In the first of these matches, Team India will face New Zealand on 22 October. In the second match, in October face Australia. The BCCI’s schedule draft sent to the ICC for the World Cup was leaked on Monday.

Two World Cup matches confirmed in Dharamsala

This schedule draft has been sent by the ICC to all the teams playing in the World Cup. After taking their feedback, the final schedule will be released next week. The leaked schedule includes the proposed matches of India, Australia, and Pakistan.

According to the draft, the tournament will begin on October 5 in Ahmedabad. The opening match will be played between England and New Zealand. The biggest match of the tournament i.e. India and Pakistan will be played on 15 October.

The match will be held at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad with a capacity of one lakh spectators. The World Cup final will be played in Ahmedabad on 19 November.