92 Percent Work of Kiratpur-Nerchowk Fourlane Completed, Instructions Given to the Company to Prepare the Road by May 1st

Four lane from above Gaggal airport

The construction work of Kiratpur-Nerchowk four lane is in the final stage. So far 92 percent work has been completed and there is a plan to start the four-lane for traffic from May 1, for which the producer company Gabor Construction is working at a fast pace.

Bilaspur Deputy Commissioner Abid Hussain Sadiq on Thursday inspected the four-lane road from Kainchi Mod to Bilaspur border along with officials of NHAI and Gabor Company. On this occasion, he also inspected five tunnels built at Kiratpur Ner Chowk.

The Deputy Commissioner said that the work of Kiratpur-Nerchowk four-lane is in the final stage and it will be ready by becoming a four-lane before the stipulated time, due to which the distance of Chandigarh from Bilaspur will be very less and the journey will be easy and pleasant.

92 percent work Kiratpur-Nerchowk fourlane completed

After the inspection, the Deputy Commissioner told that ninety-five percent of the work of this project has been completed and the remaining work will also be completed soon, for which he directed the officials of the Gabor Company to prepare the project before May 1, at any cost.

He said that it is the effort of the government to open the four-lane for traffic from May 1, for which every possible effort is being made.

The Deputy Commissioner said that 22 major and 15 minor bridges were to be constructed on this four-lane, out of which 19 major bridges have been completed and the work of three bridges is in progress, of which 90 percent work has been completed.

On this occasion, Assistant Commissioner Gaurav Chaudhary, District Revenue Officer Devi Ram and Project Director along with Sub-Divisional Officer Rajeev Thakur and other officials also gave feedback to the Deputy Commissioner on the progress made so far. (hdm)

Better connectivity to panchayats adjacent to four-lane

The Deputy Commissioner directed Colonel BS Chauhan, General Manager of Gabar Company, to provide better connectivity to the panchayats and villages adjacent to the four-lane, so that the local people do not face any kind of problem.

During the four-lane inspection, the local people also apprised the Deputy Commissioner about their problems, which he instructed the officers to solve.

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