Himachal Pradesh School Education Board is going to make changes in term-2 examinations of class 10th-12th to be held in March.
This change is being done after the objections and suggestions sought from the parents and teachers on the proposed datesheet by the Board of Education.
The Board of Education will soon release the schedule of the final dates of the examination. Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education had released the proposed schedule for term-2 examinations last week.
According to the schedule released by the board, the 10th class examinations were proposed from March 11, while the 12th class examinations were proposed from March 10.
This schedule issued by the board was proposed and suggestions and objections were sought from parents, students and teachers for a week.
Many suggestions and objections have come to the board. According to the board management, in most of the suggestions, there has been a demand to change the dates of examinations of some subjects.
It has been argued that there are fewer holidays at the time of many examinations or the examinations are being combined with the examination of some other subject.
The board has demanded a change in the dates of some subjects. School Education Board Secretary Dr. Madhu Chowdhary said that many parents have given suggestions in the proposed schedule issued by the board.
The board management will soon release the new schedule for class 10th and class 12th term-2 exams. He told that there will be a change in the exam dates of only a few subjects.