Recruitment of the Class 3 Group will be Done Through Public Service Commission

Recruitment Class 3 Group will be Done Through Public Service Commission

Finally, the Public Service Commission has agreed to take Class III or Group C recruitments after the dissolution of the Hamirpur Staff Selection Commission. It has been agreed upon in the internal meeting of the Public Service Commission.

However, the commission will seek additional staff and resources from the state government in this regard. The reply to the reference received from the state government will be sent back this week itself.

After this, the state government will have to bring Group C recruitments under its purview by amending the regulation of the Public Service Commission in the cabinet, but the biggest problem is that the Public Service Commission will not take records of such recruitments, which are on the radar of vigilance investigation.

It may be noted that till now the paper leak cases of JOA Post Code 965, JOA Post Code 939, JOA Post Code 817 and Drawing Master Post Code 980 are under investigation.

Recruitment Class 3 Group will be Done Through Public Service Commission

Out of these, except for postcode 817, four FIRs have been registered in all the other cases.

About 73 candidates are also being questioned regarding postcode 817. In this case, also the Vigilance Bureau can register a new case.

Apart from this, in its status report of the Vigilance Bureau, the possibility of a paper leak has been raised in total of 18 recruitment examinations.

This status report forms part of the records of the State Government and has also been added to the reference made to the Public Service Commission.

This means that the Public Service Commission will not be able to take a decision on declaring the result of taking the process forward regarding all these recruitments.

Although the Public Service Commission is ready to make new recruitment regarding these postcodes.

In the whole matter, the government is now waiting for written consent from the Public Service Commission.

It is noteworthy that the Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu government of the state had suspended the Hamirpur Staff Selection Commission on December 26, 2022, after the paper leak case came to the fore.

It has since been disbanded on February 21, 2023, after layers of paper leaks were revealed. Now the staff posted there is in the circular school of the state government and an OSD has been posted to take and deliver the records.