771 Posts will be Filled for JOA Librarian; Education Department Issued R&P Rules after a Long Time

Jal Shakti Department recruitment

Shimla: After a long wait, the state government has released the recruitment rules for Junior Office Assistant Library. Under these recruitment rules, recruitment will now be done on 771 posts. As soon as the recruitment rules are finalized, the way to fill the post has been cleared.

The educational qualification for these posts has been kept as Plus Two or Bachelor in Library Science with 50 percent marks, while there should also be knowledge of the customs and geography of Himachal.

This recruitment will also be through 50 percent direct recruitment and 50 percent batchwise. These will be Class-3 posts. Approval for 771 posts has been received from the Cabinet long ago, but due to lack of recruitment rules, the further process could not start.

771 posts will be filled for JOA Librarian

There is a provision in the rules that direct recruitment will be done through Himachal Pradesh State Selection Commission. However, Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has also been mentioned in between.

Batchwise recruitment will be done by the Director of Higher Education Department. The recruitment will start with contract recruitment. Director of Higher Education has been made the appointing authority for them. Reservation roster in government sector will also be applicable in this recruitment.

Cluster order changed, administrative control same as before

The State Education Secretary has made changes in the cluster guidelines issued on November 29, 2023. The Primary Teachers Federation had objections to some provisions of these instructions and met the Education Secretary on December 2.

Now changes have been made in these instructions. All schools in the state will have to work in a cluster system, but administrative control will remain as before. The Education Secretary has approved and the revised instructions are being issued in writing.