Avah Devi Temple is at the highest place of Hamirpur, Mata is established as Miraculous Pindi


Himachal Pradesh is known as Devbhoomi. There are many religious places of Gods and Goddesses here. Here the view of the beautiful plains of nature and the charming views of the forests surrounded by lush green trees attract everyone.

This is the reason that every year many devotees come here to enjoy these views of Himachal Pradesh and visit religious places. One such miraculous Avah Devi temple is situated on the border area of Hamirpur and Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh.


Read also: Famous Temples of Himachal Pradesh – Part one

Avah Devi Temple is situated on a hill at a distance of 24 km from Hamirpur. This place is also the highest point of Hamirpur district. Avah Devi Temple is situated at the highest point of Hamirpur district at an altitude of 1237 meters above sea level.

Due to being at a high place, the view around the Avah Devi temple is also very beautiful. The people of the region have deep faith in Avah Devi temple.

A large number of Hindu devotees throng the temple to seek the blessings of the Goddess and seek her grace. Especially on the occasion of Navratri, a large number of devotees reach the court of the Goddess.

Jagrans and Bhandars are also organized here on Navratras. Apart from this, Bhandara is organized here on every fifth Shradh.

There is a belief about this temple that a farmer was doing farming in Sangroh of Hamirpur district. During this, his plow collided with a stone, from which blood started coming out. Soon this news spread like fire in the whole area.


Read also: Famous Temples of Himachal Pradesh – Part Two

After this people took out the pindi and the mother gave darshan to everyone. However, after the removal of Pindi, there was a dispute between the people of Mandi and Hamirpur regarding the establishment of Pindi.

Both the parties wanted to establish Mata in their respective areas. Meanwhile, the people of Mandi started carrying the Pindi. After walking some distance, the people of Mandi started resting by keeping Mata’s pindi at one place.

When the people of Mandi started lifting the Pindi back, even after exerting a lot of force, the pindi did not rise. After this, Pindi was established here with the consent of all the people.

The Pindi installed in Avah Devi Temple is also known as Jalpa Pindi and the temple as Jalpa Devi Temple.

How to Reach Avah Devi Temple

Transport facility is available from Hamirpur city to reach Avah Devi Temple. Hamirpur is connected by bus service to other major cities including Delhi, Amritsar, Dehradun, Haridwar, Ambala, Chandigarh.

The nearest railway station from Hamirpur is about 70 km. It is far away in Una. The nearest airport from Hamirpur is about 83 km. Kangra’s Gaggal Airport is far away.

Avah Devi Temple Google map

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