The Himachal Pradesh School Education Board on Wednesday released the datesheet for the annual examinations of classes 9th and 11th and examinations for compartment subjects conducted by the board.
Class 9th exams are starting from March 3 and will continue till March 20. Class 11th examinations will run from March 3 to 27. The exam time for both classes will be from 12:45 to 4 pm.
9th Class Datesheet
Class IX English subject exam on March 3, Financial Literacy on March 4, Art-A, Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Home Science, Commerce Book, Economics, Computer Science, Agriculture, Automotive, Information Technology Service, Media and Entertainment, Retail, Physical Education, Private Security, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality, BFSI, Apparels, Made Up Home Furnishing, Beauty & Wellness, Electronic & Hardware, Plumber, Healthcare, 7th Arts-B, 9th Science & Technology, 13th Mathematics, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu on 15th, Social Science on 17th and Hindi on 20th.
11th Class Exams
Class 11th exams will also start on March 3, in which English on March 3, Public Administration on March 4, Physics, Hindi on six, Business Studies on seven, Accountancy, Chemistry on nine, Psychology on 10, Human Ecology and Family Science on 13, Mathematics on 14th, Music on 15th, Hindustani Music Percussion, Biology, History on 16th, French, Sanskrit, Urdu on 17th, Geography, Dance, Fine Art, Painting, Graphics, Sculpture, Applied Art on 20th, Financial Literacy on 21st Computer Science, Physical Education, Yoga, Agriculture, Automotive, ITES, Media and Entertainment, Retail, Physical Education, Private Security and other vocational courses, Sociology on 23, Philosophy on 24, Economics on 25 and Political Science on 27. The timing of both exams will be afternoon only.