Target of two months for batchwise recruitment, Education Minister gave instructions to complete the recruitment process of JBT-TGT-Shastri

Target of two months for batchwise recruitment

Shimla: The shortage of teachers in government schools of the state will soon be resolved. Education Minister Rohit Thakur has given a target of two months for batchwise recruitment of teachers.

The Education Minister has issued instructions to the department to complete the batchwise recruitment process for the vacant posts of JBT, TGT, and Shastri by 30th November.

Now the Education Department has two months time in October and November to complete the batchwise recruitment process.

Recently, the Directorate of Elementary Education has issued orders to all the District Deputy Directors to start the batch-wise recruitment process for the posts of Shastri and JBT.

Target of two months for batchwise recruitment

After the vacant posts are filled, the education of students will not be affected due to shortage of teachers in government schools.

Education Department is soon going to start batchwise and direct recruitment on hundreds of posts. Of the total recruitments in the Education Department, 50 percent posts will be filled on the basis of batch-wise recruitment.

On September 19, the Education Secretary has issued orders to the Directorate of Elementary Education to start recruitment for 5291 posts of teachers. Of these, 2276 posts of TGT, 2521 posts of JBT and 494 posts of Shastri are included.

According to the information, 2600 posts will be filled through batchwise recruitment. An application has been sent to Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission to fill 585 posts of PGT in the Education Department. Advertisement for these posts will be issued by the Commission soon in the coming days.