Teacher Recruitment will be Done in Himachal for 2 or 3 years, this much Salary will be Given

JBT-Shastri Cabinet discusses batchwise recruitment

The formula for teacher recruitment in Himachal is almost fixed. The government is going to fill the vacant posts in remote areas of the state.

For this, brainstorming took place in the cabinet sub-committee meeting on Tuesday and according to the formula that has been worked out, teachers will be recruited temporarily, which will be for two or three years or till the regular recruitment is done.

This recruitment will be completely different from PTA, SMC, and Vidya Upasak recruitment formula.

R & P rules will be followed in temporary teacher recruitment, in which all rules including reservation will be followed.

However, it has not been finalized yet, as a meeting of the cabinet sub-committee has been called again on Thursday, in which the temporary teacher recruitment formula will be finalized.

After this, the matter will go to the cabinet meeting, after which approval will be sought from the Finance Ministry.

On Tuesday, a meeting was held on the matter of recruitment of Cabinet Sub Committee Chairman and Industries Minister Harsh Bardhan Chauhan, Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi, Education Minister Rohit Thakur, Secretary Education, and Secretary Law, in which many issues were discussed.


After the meeting, Minister Harshvardhan Chauhan told in a press conference that the government’s focus is on the future of the children.

It has been observed that there are no teachers in remote areas. Since the new session has started, it is very important to fill the vacant posts in the schools.

Due to this, work is being done on teacher recruitment under the new formula, which will be finalized in the sub-committee meeting to be held on Thursday.

Recruitment will be like this

After finalizing the new formula, JBT, TGT, C&V, Lecturer and College Cadre will be recruited. In this, the recruitment of JBT, TGT, C & V will be done at the district level, which will be done by the deputy director.

R&P rules will be followed in the recruitment, taking into account the merit of the candidate’s 10th, 12th, Graduation, JBT, B.Ed. Along with this, the reservation will also be seen.

There will be no viva for recruitment i.e. personal interviews will not be taken. After the completion of the process, teachers in hard areas will be posted for two or three years. Lecturers will be recruited through Direct Education.

How much will be the salary

A decision has not yet been taken on how much salary and what facilities will be provided to the teachers hired temporarily by the government. The salary will be decided by the cabinet.

The government has asked for the details of the vacant posts running since the last one year i.e. April 2022, whose figures will be revealed in the meeting of the sub-committee to be held on Thursday.